God chose to become flesh. For a thousand years before Jesus’
birth the prophets proclaimed the coming of a Messiah. Their
words were really the Word (of God). That Word became flesh
and actually “dwelt among us.” God no longer was simply the God
of creation, the creator of the earth, sky, sea, sunrise, animals and
people. He became more than the author of the Ten Commandments,
the Pillar of Fire, the Wind that split the Red Sea, and the Ark of the Covenant. God Himself became flesh in the world. He was incarnated. What a gift, an undeserved gift, for all of humanity! This was an event that would change all of humanity. Jesus’ birth in flesh made it possible for all of humanity to be
rescued and freed from sin, sadness and eternal damnation. Hopefully we understand that Jesus becoming flesh was, is and will be the most important happening that ever took or takes place on this earth. So we need to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ, the Son of God which happened on the earth over 2,000 years ago. Today, the incarnation takes a different twist. Although Jesus
lived, died and rose from the dead on this earth 2,000 years ago, He is still being ”in-carnated” in this moment of history, in us. It is His will to continue to be with us. His most powerful and profound presence is now experienced at and in the Eucharist. We receive the real presence of Christ in communion. Mass is the ultimate empowerment of our life in Christ. God is divine life in us. He dwells in and fills our whole being with the gift of Himself. The saving events of the past continue in a new and full way right NOW. This is our salvation that we are dealing with. Become and remain the “incarnation” of Christ. God is with you!
Merry Christmas! Fr. Ralph & Fr. Chuck