This month of April is “Child Abuse Prevention Month” throughout the United States. It is every adult’s moral responsibility to learn the warning signs of abuse and to protect possible victims by reporting the suspected abuse or neglect to the responsible authorities. Sexual abuse of minors is a pervasive societal problem, and only concerted, sustained efforts by all adults in every segment of society can help to protect children and youth.
To report suspected abuse, the following contacts can be made: Waukesha County Department of Health and Human Services at 262-548-7212 (262-547-3388); the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Office of the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 414-758-2232; or the local police department.
Catholic Church has been focusing on the importance of keeping children and youth safe, since the abuse of minors by clergy came to light.
Patti Loehr is the Safe Environment Coordinator for the Archdiocese. She coordinates “Safeguard All of God’s Family” programming. She can be reached at 414-769-3449. Every teacher in our schools and religious education programs, every staff member of the school and parish, and every volunteer that works around children, must go through training to be more vigilant and observant of others’ behavior around and with children. Every child in our schools and religious education programs is also instructed about what is appropriate and what is inappropriate behavior by adults or older youth around them. They also learn to speak up and where to go for help.
On a somewhat related note about the sad sexual abuse events of the past, last Fall’s $21 million Archdiocesan Chapter 11 settlement (with approximately 450 abuse victims) had as a condition and an agreement that
each of the 196 parishes of the Archdiocese contribute $2,500 to an Abuse Survivor Therapy Fund. Although the parishes of the Archdiocese were not directly a part of the bankruptcy suit, they willingly and readily supported the contribution to the Therapy Fund for the victims.
Let’s continue to help the victims of the past and work to prevent any abuse and harm to children and youth in the future. And never forget to pray for victims of abuse!