Last weekend was
Pentecost. When I returned from my time away (May 13) I found this in my email. I thought I’d share it even if it is a week later.
3 ways to develop a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit
Why aren’t more Christians experiencing the power and grace of the Holy Spirit in their everyday lives? I think it’s easy to keep the Holy Spirit as an abstract reality. We can often see him as a far off and mysterious being. Most of us don’t even understand what it means to have a personal and daily relationship with the Holy Spirit. That is exactly what we Christians need today. We need to have a daily and growing relationship with the third person of the trinity.
Here are three tips to help us experience the power of the Holy Spirit in our life:
First we need to invite Him into our lives. Each and every day we need to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to guide, protect and empower our daily living. At the beginning of the day and all throughout the day, let us meet each challenge by asking for the Holy Spirit. We will be surprised at how this changes things.
Second we need to learn how to recognize how the Holy Spirit prompts us. We tend to rely completely on ourselves. Our own power, knowledge, and work become our answers to every problem and issue we face daily. This is the worst environment to experience the Spirit’s power.
Instead we need to be helpless in the eyes of the Lord. We are helpless beggars with no power of our own, but in God we have access to the real power God’s Spirit provides us.
Third, we need to remember to let the Holy Spirit lead. I think we tend to want to lead and then ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to back us up. This relationship is out of order. We need to learn to hold on to the coattails of the movement of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is working for the sanctification of the world. We need to recognize his movements and let him lead. Then we can make sure our work fits with the will of God and we can be assured of His empowerment.
Invite the Holy Spirit into your life today. Learn to let Him lead and become open to his power and grace.
The Holy Spirit will radically change your life. May 12, 2016 by Dave VanVickle at