The Administrative Staff of St. Bruno & St. Paul Parishes, including we priests, has been going through an intense strategic planning process over the past few months. After numerous meetings and much reflection, a new structure for the future of our Administrative/Finance Ministry has been accepted by and is being endorsed by us priests. All of this is setting the foundation for when Fr. Ralph retires next June and Fr. Chuck takes over shepherding the two parishes on his own. With the size of our parishes, Fr. Chuck will need significant assistance in facilitating administrative matters.
The new structure will have a full-time "
Parish Cluster Director" who will serve and be accountable to both parishes; work closely with the pastor on administrative operations; serve as a resource to parishioners and ministries in most administrative matters; and manage human resources, including a three-quarter time "
Business Manager" for
each parish. These managers would oversee the data base, facilities, financial records and statements, mortgage data and contracts, work with the Finance Council, Parish Cluster Director and the Pastor. Basically, they will oversee financial and stewardship resources.
In order to transition into this new structure while both priests are still on board, we priests have asked Rita Borowski, our part-time consultant who has been facilitating the strategic planning of our parishes, to serve as our Parish Cluster Director, on a part-time basis. She knows both parishes well and has the skills needed to serve as our Parish Cluster Director. After discussion and prayer, she has accepted.
The position of Business Manager at St. Bruno's has been handled by a qualified temporary appointment, Pam Schmitt, since early July. Rosemarie Etzel, who has so diligently served as Director of Administrative Services at St. Paul's for over 30 years, has given her notice to retire this December 4th. That leaves us needing to fill two Business Management positions within the next eight weeks. So we have begun to "open list" for those positions.
If there is anyone in our midst who has the skills and make-up to embrace this ministry, please contact the parish within the next two weeks.
We priests feel that this is the most effective parish management structure for the up-coming two-parish, one-pastor model. Know also that this administrative strategic plan can be implemented
without impact to the current budget bottom-line both this fiscal year and the next.
We ask you to hlep with your prayers that we not only fill the positions that will be open, but that we truly find the right people for those positions. Thanks you! St. Paul & St. Bruno, Pray for Us!