The renowned musical duo, the Scally Brothers, known for their captivating performances blending energy, passion, and real worship, will grace our stage from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Their dynamic presence promises an uplifting experience for attendees of all ages. The Scally Brothers have performed at events like Lifefest and the Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally.
Before the concert begins, starting at 6:00 PM, we invite you to enjoy a relaxed picnic atmosphere on our grounds. Bring your own blankets, chairs, and picnic baskets for a cozy night under open sky, close to home. Additionally, we will offer meal boxes for purchase at a nominal fee of $5 each, containing a hot dog, chips, and drink for added convenience. *Supplies are limited.
We aim to create a family-friendly environment and kindly request that no alcohol be brought to the event.