The Catholic Church calls the family the Domestic Church. This simply means that faith begins at home. As a family, parents need to pray with and for their children. Look at the world these children are inheritting; they need to know they are loved and cared for, not only by their parents, but also by the Creator of the Universe (I do find it ironic that people in shows and the like refer to the universe as a god and in turn worship the creation instead of the creator – but that is a thought for another day). The feast of the Epiphany is a great time to start if you have not been doing much at home until now. If you have been doing faithfilled activities as a family, this is a great time to go deeper. It is a time when we recognize that the greatest wisdom the Wise Men teach us is that wisdom leads us to Christ. There is a blessing that is done at a house on the Feast of the Epiphany. Check out this
website for more information.