I realize that Stewardship is a relatively new concept for Catholics. Until recently, we tended to view the concept of Stewardship as little more than a fund raising gimmick. Archbishop Dolan once said, “The signs of the times strongly indicate that Stewardship is not optional for the church.” So much depends on our being able to take care of the many resources that a loving God has given each of us. It is important to remember that Stewardship is an expression of discipleship. Whatever we are and possess is in actuality God’s gift that we hold in trust. God is the source of all we have and are as human beings. God calls us to be good stewards by the way we live; by the way we use our human and financial resources. Stewardship is truly a way of life. Stewardship calls us to gratitude, responsibility, and accountability for all of our human and financial resources. It calls us to make the best possible use of what we have been given through prudent planning and careful allocation of resources, so that we can serve the community of faith in the most effective and just way possible. Good Stewardship allows us to make decisions about resources that are “mission driven” rather than “crisis driven”. Stewardship calls for commitment. In a few weeks, we are celebrating Commitment Weekend here at St. Bruno and St. Paul. On that weekend of Nov. 11th and 12th, at all the Masses, we will be collecting commitment cards for our appeal. Stewardship is a conversion of the heart. It is a way of life. Stewardship will change us. It is very rewarding and joyful. However, when we truly place our trust in the Lord and share our gifts out of the pure joy of sharing; then the old saying rings true, “you will receive more than you give.”