Last weekend was the “kickoff” of the annual Catholic Stewardship
Appeal. We heard a message from the Archbishop at
all the Masses. The theme that is noted above identifies that
we need to work at seeing the Archdiocese and the needs of
people around us through the eyes of God.
This theme, “See With God’s Eyes”, is drawn from Pope Francis who said that true wisdom, the "irst gift of the Holy Spirit, allows us to “see” beyond the surface of things not through the imperfect lens or scope of our own reality but with profound, unblemished clarity and vision of which only God can provide.
Your donation to the appeal makes a great difference among 700,000 Catholics and many others who are served by your gift. More than 100 programs and ministries are funded by your donation. Through your gift, you, as an individual and/or as a family, really are able to have a tremendous impact on the lives of your brothers and sisters throughout the Archdiocese, fulfilling the mission of Christ by your generosity.
We need to give an intentional response to God’s many blessings. Does our level of gratefulness match the level of God’s giving to us? These are things to reflect on and pray over. I ask you to sincerely do that as you embark on this Lenten Season of self sacrifice. We need to understand that money is needed to accomplish the mission and vision of Christ, and that the Church, the instrument of that mission and vision, is every bit as important a place to put our money as the shopping mall.
Your money is needed big time for parish service, ministerial formation, social outreach, education and family training, clergy services, and communication and development. Let’s stand up for the good things the Church can and does do!
I want to invite you to think of your parish and then the Archdi- ocese of Milwaukee Catholic Stewardship Appeal as two of the first charities you support.
Thank you for your generosity to the
2015 Catholic Stewardship Appeal!
Fr. Ralph