Fr. Chuck and I, along with the staff, want to extend a
blessing of happiness and wholeness upon you and your family during this great Easter Season and beyond.
Hopefully, the journey we made during this Lent has led us to a renewed appreciation of Jesus' great sacrifice of Himself for the forgiveness of our selfishness and sin. The shedding of His blood washes away the sin that separates us and alienates us from God
and one another. That’s why last Friday was “Good” Friday! Through Him we are made whole or given the
opportunity to be whole. Through Him I am
bonded with
you in ways that go far beyond the relationship I have with my blood brother and three sisters.
Our journey in this Eastertide is no longer as individuals.Our joy, our celebration, and our happiness now require expression by us as a body because of the dying and rising of Jesus Christ. Let's continue to express our appreciation for this unity and oneness that Jesus calls us to and creates among us by coming together in community to pray and worship,
especially at Mass.We invite everyone to help our parish continue to be a full Easter community by gathering and participating in Mass each week. It is in each celebration of Mass that we participate in the greatest event on this earth because we are one with Christ in His sacrifice, death and resurrection, and, as stated above, we are united with one another. If we live and practice the celebration of the Mass, our lives will be full of and characterized by the joyful Alleluias of Easter!
Happy Easter!